Pathfinder New Forest, Hampshire & South Downs

Kingsclere and Watership Down

Walk Number: 28 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 89, column 2, paragraph 4, lines 9 and 10
Walk update
Turn right, cross the bridge, and continue with an open field on your right.

Page 90, column 2, lines 1 and 2
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Continue ahead through the gap, descending steps on to an enclosed path, which emerges with a track to reach Kingsclere at the Newbury Road J.

Stockbridge and Danebury Hill

Walk Number: 27 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 85, column1, paragraph 2, lines 6 to 10
Walk update
Head east along Stockbridge High Street to the roundabout opposite the White Hart, and bear left to follow the Test Way along the pavement beside the A30. Keep ahead towards Andover at the next roundabout, and continue for 350yds to a lay-by on your left A.

Page 86, column1, paragraph 2, lines 4 to 9
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Cross the bridge at Fullerton Mill and turn off left at a waymarked bridle-path following the Stockbridge direction. This passes beneath the A3057 and swings left, then sharp right, to lead on to the Test Way at the former Fullerton Junction station.

Denmead and the Cradle of Cricket

Walk Number: 25 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 80, column 2, paragraph 3, line 1
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Over the brow of the next hill turn left through a gateway F and walk up the left-hand side of the field to a stile.

Odiham and the Basingstoke Canal

Walk Number: 9 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 29, column 1, line 1
Walk update
Then, after 80yds, turn left over the stile and strike half-right across the open field to the stile farthest on the right on the far side.

Cheriton and Hinton Ampner

Walk Number: 10 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 31, column 1, paragraph 2, lines 2 and 3
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Cross the road with care, turning left and then right onto the signposted (hidden in the hedge) footpath that climbs gently along the edge of an open field.

Page 31, column 2, paragraph 2, line 6
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Cross over and turn right along the pavement, then turn left opposite the Hinton Arms to follow the signposted footpath through a gate and along the left-hand field edge.

Page 31, column 2, paragraph 2, lines 9 and 10
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Cross a plank bridge and then, as you approach the corner of the field, turn left over a stile and kissing-gate combination, and along the narrow path leading to the B3046.

Chalk streams at Fullerton

Walk Number: 12 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 35, column 2, paragraph 2, lines 1 to 6
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Just before the busy main road, turn left (signed Andover) on a path leading under the road bridge. Follow the path to the Longstock road.

Page 36, column 1, paragraph 2, line 10
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Through a kissing-gate, the hedge drops away to your left;

Page 36, column 2, paragraph 3, lines 7 and 8
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Pass under the disused railway bridge and out onto the village road D.

Page 37, column 2, lines 7 and 8
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Bear gently left and then right, near the summit, and continue into the woods through a second kissing-gate.

Page 37, column 2, line 11
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Keep straight on here, with an old wire fence partially hidden on the right, following the route marked by substantial red posts.

Page 37, column 2, line 12
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Pass a hefty-looking picnic table and seating and, shortly, a concrete road on your left, and carry on beside a large clearing on your left.

Brockenhurst Park and Roydon Woods

Walk Number: 16 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 47, column 2, line 5
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An indistinct forest path drops gently towards the young Lymington River and runs beside the water to a road junction opposite the entrance to The Pig hotel and restaurant A.

Page 47, column 2, paragraph 2, lines 7 and 8
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Pass a couple of dilapidated stiles, and continue to a kissing-gate on your right, where the path rejoins Mill Lane.

Page 49, column 2, paragraph 4, lines 15 and 16
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Now carry straight on along a narrow woodland path until just before the B3045.

Queen Elizabeth Country Park

Walk Number: 17 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 51, column 1, paragraph 2, line 3
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Keep ahead for 90yds, then fork left off the SDW onto a track waymarked with a purple bootprint.

Page 51, column 1, paragraph 2, line 5
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Fork left again after 150yds along a good forest track, still following the purple bootprints that will guide you back to the car park.

Page 51, column 2, line 2
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Fork right at the car park, following the purple boot waymarks into the trees and dropping downhill on a narrow woodland path.

Page 52, column 2, paragraph 2, lines 8, 10 and 11
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Then, fork left along a narrower path heading directly along the line of the A3, until you reach a gate H.

Page 52, column 2, paragraph 3, line 3
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Cross over and keep ahead as the path drops steeply down, bearing very gently right to reach a gate J by a small pond in the valley bottom.

Chilcomb and the South Downs

Walk Number: 18 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 53, information panel, GPS waypoints
Walk update and GPS waypoint amendment
Correct co-ordinates of waypoint C to read: SU 500,251

Page 54, column 1, paragraph 2, lines 7 to 9
Walk update
Walk over a low summit, pass the drive to Hazeley Down House, and pass a road junction on your left, to a bridleway waymark on the right, just before Hazeley Cottages C. Turn right and walk along the track past a war memorial and, at the end of a belt of trees, follow it right and then left to arrive near the top of Hazeley Down. This was formerly the site of a vast First World War transit camp for trops on their way to the battlefields of the Western Front.

Page 54, column 1, paragraph 3, lines 1 to 6
Walk update
Due to the above correction realigning the route, lines 1 to 5 are deleted and line 6 is corrected to read: Turn left and, with racehorse gallops to your right, follow the left-hand field boundary until, at the crest of the hill, the bridleway runs between fences and drops down through woodland to a crossways D.

Page 54, column 2, lines 5 and 6
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Otherwise, continue through the gate and bear left to the flagpole.

Hillhead and Titchfield

Walk Number: 19 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 56, column 2, paragraph 4, line 1
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Zigzag left and right through squeeze-gaps to continue beside the Titchfield Canal, with good views across the nature reserve on your right.

Page 57, column 1, lines 2 and 3
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After about 1½ miles the path becomes paved and, later, swings off over a bridge on the left towards Great Posbrook Farm.

Page 58, column 1, paragraph 2, lines 11 and 12
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Through the kissing-gate follow the waymarked footpath half-right across a grassy field to meet Posbrook Lane at a stile D.

Page 58, column 1, paragraph 3, line 7
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Keep ahead through the kissing-gate and continue to the three-way junction; fork left, go through the kissing-gate, then turn immediately right along the permissive footpath beside the hedge on your right.

Rockbourne and Breamore

Walk Number: 22 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 66, column 1, paragraph 2, line 8
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After a few paces, a smaller gate leads you onto a charming path that climbs gently through an avenue of old beech trees to another gate.

Page 66, column 1, paragraph 4, line 11
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Walk through the woodland and continue beside the right-hand field edge to a gate at the brow of the hill C.

Page 66, column 2, lines 6 and 7
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Keep ahead down the winding gravel drive to a crossways by the ornamental gateposts, where you have the further option of turning left to visit the Saxon church, or right to a seasonal museum and tea barn.

Page 68, column 2, lines 10 and 12
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Keep ahead as two gates carry the path across a farm track, then continue to a stile G.

Page 68, column 2, paragraph 2, line 2
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Do not cross the stile, but instead turn left through a wooden barrier.

Meon Valley Rails and Trails

Walk Number: 24 | Updated: February, 2015

Page 75, column 1, line 4
Walk update
You can turn right here for a break at the Thomas Lord pub.